Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry New Year~
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas Card Letter 2008
Hopefully, they'll be mailed before New Year's Day!
Holiday Greetings from the Simpsons!
In January, Madison Victoria turned 11 years old. She currently is in the sixth grade, and loves middle school. She is as smart as ever, and still keeps us on our toes with her creative mind and stories. She began playing violin in the school orchestra, and not surprisingly… does a great job. I must admit that I wasn’t crazy about the idea at first, but she doesn’t screech when she practices, and she is actually making music with the violin. She is still dancing with the same performing company, and they just finished up The Nutcracker. This year, she is dancing a ballet duet for the first time, and is excited to compete in March.
In February, Makenzie Vaile celebrated her 9th birthday. She is in the fourth grade and is in her last year of elementary school and wearing bows (or so she keeps saying J) How time flies!!! She is singing in the fourth grade honor choir called the “Treble Makers.” This is her first year to dance in the performing company at the studio. She is enjoying it… especially the social part of it. She too danced in The Nutcracker recently. She also loves to draw, and teases her dad with drawings of the two of them hunting together.
Mason Riley was 5 years old in August. He is in his second year of Pre-K, and is doing extremely well. He could’ve started in kindergarten this year, but with that late birthday, we decided that another year of maturity wouldn’t hurt. With Mom being the Assistant Principal at school, she didn’t want to have to suspend her own baby boy his first year J He played his first year of T-Ball this summer, and had a blast. His favorite pastimes are playing the Wii and hanging out with his best buddy- Daddy. They are quite the pair together.
We pray the joy and blessings of the season for you and your family,
Stan, Amy, Madison, Makenzie, and Mason
Friday, December 12, 2008
No It's Not, But..............
PS... If your name begins with a "B", comment on this post. I have a nice personalized Christmas gift for you.
Is it my lucky day???

Friday, November 14, 2008
Grammy Bound
"Let's count the ways that we can play.
And CRAZE the Lord together...."

Friday, November 7, 2008
Mice, Mini-Me, and a Man Child
Mason is his daddy rolled up into a small body. When I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween, his response was "a red Power Ranger". Well if you refer back to my Halloween post from last year you will see why. He already has the costume. Why wouldn't you be a red Power Ranger? Well.. I talked him into a blue Power Ranger. He had a blast Trick or Treating.
After the kids Trick or Treated, we came back to our house for our annual Taco Soup dinner with the Doshiers.
Makenzie and Meredith took a short pause from the candy to pose for a cheesy picture.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Boogie Shoes
Bethany, Katherine, and Madison
Concentrating hard.... which is difficult with a camera pointed at you
No post would be complete without a Tutt child in it~ Catie Beth and Madison being silly
Pumpkin Soup

Saturday, October 4, 2008
It's Beginning to Look a lot like Fall.....
And I did it all myself.
And I would take some help in fixing them if anyone offered.
I love the Fall! Especially the weather that comes with it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Exxon's Reason to Exist
We live in the uttermost southwestern part of Rogers. I work in the northernmost part of Bentonville, and the girls dance in the coordinates exactly opposite of our house on the northeastern side of Rogers.
Stan picked Mason and Madison up from school today because Madison had student council after school, and he was available to pick her up. Mason was his additional prize for the afternoon.
Makenzie had dance this afternoon at 4:30-5:30. We will leave here in 10 minutes and get Makenzie to the house with Daddy. I will then pick Madison up from the house, and bring her back to the opposite side of Rogers for dance from 6:30- 8:30. (Yes, back to the same place I am sitting right now.....) I will then go back to school for a Parent Involvement Meeting (which is in Bentonville) and then at 8:30 I will come BACK to dance to get Madison and get home around 9:00.
I have reset my trip odometer to see exactly how many miles I will log today. If I can get any guesses in my responses... I'll send an October surprise to the closest guess.
You are welcome Exxon.......
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Pay It Forward, And WIN A PRIZE!!!
I have yet to see my fabulous gift from Dallas, although, I know it will be completely fabulous because it is coming from her. I will find out soon and dream until then...What am I talking about, you might ask? Well, I am paying it forward with a premeditated act of kindness. Would you like to be the owner of a fun gift and give in return? Well, read some more...THE RULES: The main focus is doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return other than that the recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and pay it forward.I will send a small, fun gift to the first 3 bloggers who post a comment on this entry. In turn, those three will post this information and pick 3 people they want to send something to and then the game will continue!!If you are interested in participating, be one of the first 3 bloggers to leave a comment!! The little something you send can be something you made, bought, were given or found, anything you want!! Just a gift that will make the person's day!!You have to promise that you will then post about this on your blog, link back to me, and then send something to the first three people who sign up to play along through your blog. Doesn't this sound like fun!!??All of you lurkers out there who never comment, now is your chance to prove to me that you frequent my blog.Have fun!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Right on Time~

Thursday, July 31, 2008
July 7, 2008
10. Enjoy life~ Dad always whistled. No matter what he was doing... he whistled~ Kind of like Snow White's "Whistle While You Work" He enjoyed life.
9. Work hard~ Dad did it all. From salesman to entrepreneurship.... And if it wasn't successful... he'd just try something else.
8. Dream big~ "If you don't enter the Publisher's ClearingHouse Sweepstakes.... you won't win."
7. Know how to change a flat tire, check the oil, and jump a car battery~ I had to pass the driveway test and prove that I could do all 3 when I turned 16. I can still jump a car and check the oil. God created cell phones and husbands for the flat tires...
6. Meet your neighbors~ We've lived in our house over 5 years, and I know a few by name. I'm not so great at this. My dad knew every neighbor he ever lived around and 5 facts about each of them.
5. Volunteer/work at church~ Dad did it all including....driving a bus, greeting, ushering, deaconing, and working with the kids in AWANAS. We are a little thankful he didn't try the choir. (see post #4)
4. Be joyful~ Dad was very musically challenged... maybe the absolute worst musically challenged person I've ever known.... but he didn't care~ At church, he'd sing just as loud the choir director. He was joyful~ or maybe just wanted to irritate us??
3. Never eat a roast without onions, or cottage cheese without pepper. Those of you who know me well might say I'm a little picky about my food and food service. As I'm typing this post, I realize where I got that~ Thanks Dad!
2. Laugh at yourself or preferably at others~ I definitely got my practical joking and sense of humor from Dad. He always was kidding or pestering somebody.
1. Love God, your family, and friends. Don't just tell them.. .show them too~
Thanks Dad~ Lessons learned (some better than others...)