Hopefully, they'll be mailed before New Year's Day!
Holiday Greetings from the Simpsons!
In January, Madison Victoria turned 11 years old. She currently is in the sixth grade, and loves middle school. She is as smart as ever, and still keeps us on our toes with her creative mind and stories. She began playing violin in the school orchestra, and not surprisingly… does a great job. I must admit that I wasn’t crazy about the idea at first, but she doesn’t screech when she practices, and she is actually making music with the violin. She is still dancing with the same performing company, and they just finished up The Nutcracker. This year, she is dancing a ballet duet for the first time, and is excited to compete in March.
In February, Makenzie Vaile celebrated her 9th birthday. She is in the fourth grade and is in her last year of elementary school and wearing bows (or so she keeps saying J) How time flies!!! She is singing in the fourth grade honor choir called the “Treble Makers.” This is her first year to dance in the performing company at the studio. She is enjoying it… especially the social part of it. She too danced in The Nutcracker recently. She also loves to draw, and teases her dad with drawings of the two of them hunting together.
Mason Riley was 5 years old in August. He is in his second year of Pre-K, and is doing extremely well. He could’ve started in kindergarten this year, but with that late birthday, we decided that another year of maturity wouldn’t hurt. With Mom being the Assistant Principal at school, she didn’t want to have to suspend her own baby boy his first year J He played his first year of T-Ball this summer, and had a blast. His favorite pastimes are playing the Wii and hanging out with his best buddy- Daddy. They are quite the pair together.
We pray the joy and blessings of the season for you and your family,
Stan, Amy, Madison, Makenzie, and Mason
1 comment:
Merry Christmas, Amy! Your kids are truly adorable! I am glad you are well!
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