Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Universal Studios, Day 1

Today was our first day at Universal Studios.  The girls were SO excited when they saw the Wizarding World.  Madison would just put her hands over her mouth and literally have tears.. she was so excited.  That in itself was fun enough for me.  However... Stan and I were dumb enough to actually get on the first ride.... the rest of the day I was dizzy and nauseous. 

Makenzie's first sip of Butterbeer.  AKA..  Cream soda :-)

Got Butterbeer??   I think she liked it.
It only tastes good in the real mug though.....HA!

This pic makes me laugh.  The girls' expressions crack me up.  Makenzie screamed the entire time, and I was just trying to make it out without throwing up.  I HATE simulators, and I swear I'll never do them again.... until the next time that is :-)  Boy I sound like my mother :-)
Hogwarts Express.   The girls would scream everytime they saw something for the first time.  This was no exception.
This just about sums Madison up for the whole day!

Gotta love the vertical on that boy!!

Waiting in line for the Forbidden Journey

These are the shirts we had made for the HP7 Premiere last summer.  They were perfect for today!  Thanks Lauren for letting us borrow yours!

After our visit in the Wizarding World, we went over to the Marvel Superhero Island where we found Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk roller coaster. 


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