Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cousinly Love

My sister and her family have been here for their annual summer visit. They live in Mali, Africa and teach in the American School there. Yesterday after Vacation Bible School, we loaded our crew up and went out to Tanyard Creek to take pictures. They did very well. 5 girls and 1 boy... and the boy was the least cooperative. He got stung by some sort of caterpillar in the water, and it was downhill from there. I really tried to downplay the caterpillar thing, and even reached over and flicked it into the stream. When I did... it stung me on the finger and it really hurt. So lesson learned.... if you see a lime green caterpillar, leave it alone. You can tell in the pictures, he isn't his same photogenic self. We did get some great pics, and had a fun trip.
I happen to be a little partial to these 3. Aren't they cute? I think we are going back soon to take some more in a different matching outfit.

I had this one printed in a 5x7. When I went to Wal-Mart to pick it up, they wanted the photographer's release of copyright. I just laughed. My sister has a great camera. Don't ya think??

This was taken with my little Kodak camera. Not bad..... Mason is hanging on to Caroline for dear life!!!

We are off to enjoy this beautiful weather by the pool this afternoon.

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1 comment:

JulieM said...

What darling pictures. That looks like our family with cousins ... 6 girls and 1 boy!