I am sorry I have neglected you for so long. No excuse except absolutely not taking the time to sit and blog... Sorry, I'll try and catch you up.
At the end of June, we went with Stan's mom, sisters, brother-in-laws, and their kiddos to Branson for a 4 day stay. Yep, all 20 of us (Brett, the oldest grandchild, thought making money at his summer job was more important than us....Just kidding Brett.. we missed you!!!)
We stayed at the Grand Country Inn, and the kids enjoyed playing in the indoor waterpark.

Tammy and Brooke enjoying the Lazy River.
Makenzie in the Lazy River

Mason "Joe Cool" Simpson HATED the indoor waterpark. He wore these sunglasses all weekend, but lost them before we came home.

Stan and his twin sister Leanda.... Just kidding on the twin stuff, but they do look a lot alike!
Madison and I waiting to get blasted on Powder Keg. Riding a roller coaster as a mom is a lot different than as a child. I never remember reaching my hand out to hold the person next to me in their seat until my kids started riding with me. Like that arm across her lap is REALLY gonna hold her in!!!!
Madison and I again, but this time with Stan and Mason behind us. Mason is hidden behind the trashcan... but he was there. And he hated every minute of it. When the ride pulled into the loading area he said, "YES....it's over!" He is not my Evil Kenevil by any stretch of the imagination! The next picture is the way he looked the entire time waiting in line for the LOG FLUME!!! I guess he thought if he looked mad enough, we wouldn't make him ride???
He did enjoy the rides that make most adults sick though. Thanks Aunt Donnita for enduring this one!!! Look at his left arm all propped up on the side. So cute~
I draw the line here.... Absolutely no teacups for me. Good thing Mason was tall enough to ride with Makenzie and Danielle!
Mason and Stan showing off their guns while waiting to begin this "ride". Not much of a ride for the adult in the seat......
The Boy's Table
The Kid Girl table

Mason is in the cup with the girls. He didn't move at all. Just sat there quietly and let them spin him. UGH~

After our days at SDC, we would meet up for dinner somewhere together.

And that's it... no pictures of the adult sistas or the little guys. (If you look at the guys' picture above, you can see a glimpse of the little boy's table. Austin is visible anyway....) I was still nauseous from the roller coasters to take many pictures. We had a great time together as always!
The Simpsons in Branson~ Take Two will be premiering on July 14th (approximately). Madison has her dance competition the weekend of 11th.
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