A lot of you know that when I was in the 7th grade, my family hosted a foreign exchange student. She was from Spain, and her name was Maria Pia Ramilo Rodriguez de Robles. We called her Titi for short. (Not sure where Titi came from, but EVERYONE in Rogers knew her as Titi) She called my parents Mom and Dad, and my brother and I her siblings. After her year stay, she went back to Spain for her college education years. We kept in touch over the years... I went to Spain for a summer, she returned for summers here, etc. She actually moved back to Rogers and taught ESL classes at a junior high for a while. During her stay that time, she met a Rogers native and married him. It's worked out pretty well, because now they have children of their own who have grandparents that live in Rogers. So, every summer and every other Christmas we get to spend time with this branch of our family. Titi was my sister back in the early 1980's and 28 years later is still is considered family. Our children think they are truly cousins..... I don't see the need to tell them otherwise. The first picture is one that we had taken last summer for Mom. They are stairstepped in age. I am listing their current ages...
Madison (11), Maguiña (10), Makenzie (9), Carolina (8), Ana (5), Mason (4)
We spent some time with them during this summer trip. This is the day before they left for Spain.

Poor Mason~ This is truly an estrogen ocean.

True personalities coming through~




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