Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I am excited to say that my blog has been revamped, and is a little more appealing to look at. Thanks Jennisa for your help in the blog design. Feel free to click on her link to see the amazing things she can do.
One of my New Year's resolutions this year is to update this blog regularly. Now keep in mind that regularly is a loose term.... some weeks it might be every other day, some weeks only once a week. But my goal is at least once a week.

Today after school we had a staff development opportunity and our guest was Clayton Scott, a poet from Fayetteville. He was talking to the teachers about becoming writers and not just being teachers of writing. He brought up the idea that our writing becomes a legacy for our children. I'd never thought about writing being part of a legacy, and I thought it was a great point. So this blog for me serves as a tool for writing that my children can have later in life, and also gives me the opportunity to show my kids off to family and friends that have the power of the internet. Thanks Clayton for the additional motivation to get going on this blog.

I will end with a couple of pictures from the holidays. Enjoy my kids!

Makenzie with her favorite cousin Danielle at Thanksgiving

Madison after dancing at the NWA mall

Madison with one her best friends, Carter

(Looks like they've NEVER had their picture taken together)

Mason and his big cousin, Kirstie (nice chocolate face!)

Mason having fun with the big girls

Madison, Makenzie, and Mason Christmas 2007

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1 comment:

Dallas said...

love the new look and look forward to regular updates :).