Today we have a teenager in our house. Madison Victoria... where has the time gone? I cannot believe that you are 13 years old!
This afternoon Madison had a photo session with Amber Lanning. She was so sweet and had some great ideas for pictures. It looked something like a model shoot. Madison hammed it up like she does so well, and I cannot wait to see the pictures. I don't know that her Daddy is gonna be as excited. She looked more like a 17 year old than 13. She is just beautiful!
We went to Shogun tonight which is always Madison's birthday choice. Nana joined us for dinner. When we got home, I forced Madison to take these pics so I could post them. They don't do justice to how darn cute she looked earlier. When I get some of her other pics, I'll post them.
Some thoughts about Madison...
- She started junior high this year. She has all Pre-AP classes (we've always known she was smart), and she's learning how to organize her time to get all of her homework done.
- She is still dancing, and is competing with her first solo this year.
- She still loves to read. Her newest craze is the Twilight series. I wouldn't let her read Twilight when it first came out. She finished the book this week and watched the movie last night. She officially has her first crush on Robert Pattinson. (I still remember mine........Shawn Cassidy)
- She loves to perform on a stage. Whether it is dance, drama, or choir... she loves to be on a stage. Wonder where she gets that??
- She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. He affectionately calls her Mad-Dog, and today when he saw her after she had gotten ready for her pictures... I think I detected a mist in his eye. He softly told her that she looked beautiful. I know that what he really wanted to do was send her to her room to take that makeup off and put a bow in her hair. She'll always be Daddy's Little Girl.
- She has a sarcastic sense of humor. She cracks us up with her stories and jokes. At times.... I think she has very blonde roots with some of her jokes.
Madison, I love you and am so proud of the beautiful teenager you've blossomed into. Now GO WASH THAT MAKEUP OFF AND GET A BOW IN YOUR HAIR!!!!!
Love, Mom
*****Last night Madison and 2 of her friends went to a local scrapbooking store for a "Teen Crop". They had a blast. This was her birthday party because she opted to go parasailing on our cruise in March. More on that Spring Break!
Cookie Slices that said " Happy Birthday Madison"
Jenna and Madison
The finished creations..... decorated canvases