Here's a summary of the last 4 months~
- February 17th, Makenzie turned 10. On her actual birthday I took her and Emma to Chic Fil A.
A few weeks later, she had an awesome scavenger hunt birthday party at the mall with friends. I can't find the disk with the pictures... and that's the BIGGEST reason that I've not posted. I don't want to be accused of playing favorites.. I'm not.
- For Spring Break, we did nothing. So no fun vacation pictures to post.
- At the end of March, the girls danced in their dance competition in Tulsa. They both did very well, and qualified to dance in New York City this summer!!!
- In April, we had Easter which is always a favorite holiday of mine.
- In April, our church hosted Team Impact, a group of very strong body builders who share the Gospel through their feats of strength. Mason was absolutely CRAZY about these guys. He talked of nothing else for weeks. He wanted to play Team Impact all the time, and practiced his own feats of strength.
This guy's name was Greg. So happens that a mom at my school dated this guy in college. (And no those aren't blow up muscles under that shirt)
My little muscle man
- In May, I applied and interviewed for the principal's position at my school. I made it to the final 3.. and then wasn't selected. But that's okay, because I am going to ENJOY the extra 2 weeks at home this summer.
That kind of catches you up. I probably won't add anything else until our trip to New York!!
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