Yes, I know it's been a week since Halloween. The good news hasn't been a month since Halloween. Here are some pictures of our Halloween 2008.
Madison and 2 of her friends dressed up as 3 Blind Mice. They were very cute. I was a little sad about Halloween with her this year. She wanted to go off with her friends and "hang out" with them. So she was gone until about 9:00. She's growing up too too too fast!
The 3 Musketeers/Mice
Sophie, Emily, Madison
If you think Madison looks short in the picture... you are correct. She is this much shorter than most of the kids in her class. :-)
Makenzie was Kit~ the American Girl doll. She looked adorable. At school, she did a book talk on "Kit Learns a Lesson" and she could dress up as a character in the book. She was just going to take her Kit doll as a "prop". But we surprised her with the matching Kit outfit the Tuesday before Halloween.

Mason is his daddy rolled up into a small body. When I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween, his response was "a red Power Ranger". Well if you refer back to my Halloween post from last year you will see why. He already has the costume. Why wouldn't you be a red Power Ranger? Well.. I talked him into a blue Power Ranger. He had a blast Trick or Treating.
After the kids Trick or Treated, we came back to our house for our annual Taco Soup dinner with the Doshiers.

Makenzie and Meredith took a short pause from the candy to pose for a cheesy picture.